Food Processing

Australia is recognised as a major food producing and trading nation exporting over 70 percent of its agricultural production. Farm businesses generate $48 billion annually, with value-adding and processing increasing the value of this production to over $155 billion. In Queensland alone, the agricultural industry is worth $14.7 billion, comprising of $11.6 billion at the farm gate and $3 billion of value-added products.

Food processing is Australia’s largest manufacturing industry. It has a strong and enviable position in comparison to other manufacturing sectors by virtue of:

  • High education standards across the industry
  • Advanced quality, hygiene and safety standards
  • An understanding of, and close proximity to, growing Asian markets

The food manufacturing sector is an important part of the Toowoomba economy, and accounting for more than one third of the total sector. Leading food manufacturers based in Toowoomba source ingredients locally, and produce an extensive range of value-added products. Value-added goods produced for domestic and international consumers include cakes, biscuits and desserts, ice cream, beef by-products, nuts and other fine foods.

Case Studies


One of the largest organic cereal grain processing operations in Australia. The company mills 100% certified GMO free organic cereal grains with no cross contamination from non-organic grains, and utilises a mix of modern and traditional milling techniques to produce a wide range of organics flours, kibbles and meals.




One of Australia’s largest and most experienced managers of lot fed cattle with a well-established vertical integration system in the beef cattle industry including cattle procurement, transportation, lot feeding, beef processing and marketing. Mort & Co manage 3 feedlots across the eastern states of Australia, with its head office in Toowoomba, turning over 150,000 cattle per year.



Committed to delivering high quality food ingredients for the food manufacturing sector, producing high-quality chickpea and faba bean based (pulses) and sorghum-based (grain) food ingredients. To cater to consumer demand and increased health awareness domestically and internationally, Woods Foods produces these products allergen-free. 




A family-run farming and feed-lot operation, with interests across Queensland as an integrated beef enterprise.




The only commercial pecan shelling, value-adding and packing plant in Australia. Located in Toowoomba, the plant is the premier sheller of Australian peacans and walnuts, a leading processor and marketer of Australian macadamias, an exporter of Australian almond and a retail packer. The plant processes the majority of Australia’s pecan crop.




One of Australia’s largest beef processing plants, providing progressive leadership in hygienic processing and packaging of superior premium beef products for the world market. The abattoir specialises in processing quality grain-fed and high quality grass-fed cattle for beef markets, fully integrating its slaughtering, fabricating, chilling, freezing and rendering facility processes.



Australia’s premium independent beef cattle partner working with the supply chain to improve the success of their partner businesses. Allied beef primarily works in cattle regions in Queensland and New South Wales, and operates in the breeder market, domestic market, the short fed export feeder market, and the mid to long fed feeder market. 


One of the original vegetable grower-processors in Australia, utilising their knowledge and expertise to supply processed vegetables to food retail customers across Eastern Australia all year round. As a result of their high quality shredded lettuce products, Story Fresh have built a reputation as a high-quality and reliable supply chain partner.




A major trader of pulses, grains and planting seed in Queensland. Products that PB Agrifoods trades in include mungbeans, soybean, sunflower seeds, birdseed, protein meal and millets. PB Agrifoods also exports to a number of locations, including New Zealand, China, Japan, Taiwan, Papua New Guinea and South Korea in the commodity markets of soybeans, mungbeans, faba beans and kabuli chickpeas.



A family owned, independent agrifoods business specialising in pulse grains, birdseed, coarse grains and specialty seeds. Agrifoods Australia have a strong history providing value-added agrifood services, and works with regional growers to develop their operations to achieve the best return for their product. 

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